(i) Molecular data
Perrard, A., Pickett, K., Villemant, C., Kojima, J. I., & Carpenter, J. (2013). Phylogeny of hornets: a total evidence approach (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Vespinae, Vespa).
Journal of Hymenoptera Research,
32, 1-15.
Markers: 12S, 16S, 28S, CO1, EF1a and H3
(ii) 45 Morphological Characters of Hornets
Perrard, A., Pickett, K., Villemant, C., Kojima, J. I., & Carpenter, J. (2013). Phylogeny of hornets: a total evidence approach (Hymenoptera, Vespidae, Vespinae, Vespa).
Journal of Hymenoptera Research,
32, 1-15.
(F / M): character restricted to Females / Males
1. Prestigma length: (0) prestigma shorter than pterostigma, (1) prestigma longer than pterostigma, (2) prestigma length 3X pterostigma length.
2. Base of second submarginal cell: (0) M obliquely oriented with respect to m-cu1, (1) M vertically oriented (angle at M noticeable).
3. Placement of forewing m-cu2: (0) close to r-m2, (1) far from r-m2.
4. Hamuli placement: (0) beginning basad of fork of R1&Rs, (1) beginning at fork R1&Rs.
5. Hindwing jugal lobe: (0) present, (1) absent.
6. Hindwing axillary incision: (0) present, (1) absent.
7. (M) Tyloides: (0) two on apical flagellomeres, (1) one on apical flagellomeres, (2) absent.
8. Vertex length: (0) ocelloccipital distance short, < length of ocellar triangle, (1) ocelloccipital distance long, > length of ocellar triangle, (2) ocelloccipital distance long, gena produced behind eye.
9. Vertex indentation: (0) absent, (1) present.
10. Ocelli diameter: (0) less than distance between posterior ocellus and eye, (1) greater than this distance.
11. Interantennal space: (0) broad, rounded, (1) defined triangular area, (2) strongly elevated, with rounded edges, (3) defined triangular area strongly elevated, with sharp edges.
12. Clypeus dorsum: (0) straight, (1) bisinuate.
13. (F) Apex of clypeus: (0) pointed, (1) shallowly emarginated, anterior angles blunt, broad, (2) shallowly emarginated, anterior angles triangular.
14. (F) Mesal clypeal tooth: (0) absent, (1) present.
15. (F) Clypeal punctures: (0) sparse, superficial mesally, (1) dense mesally.
16. (M) Clypeal-eye contact: (0) touching, (1) gap.
17. (F) Malar space: (0) short, (1) long, > length of penultimate flagellomere.
18. Mandibular teeth: (0) pointed, (1) with elongate cutting edge, twice length of apical part.
19. Labial palpus third segment: (0) with strong seta, (1) without this seta, but with hairs.
20. Pronotal carina: (0) present, (1) dorsally reduced, (2) lateral remnants, (3) absent.
21. Pronotal carina dorsally: (0) largely transverse before scutum, (1) deeply Ushaped before scutum.
22. Pronotal carina laterally: (0) little interrupted by the pronotal fovea, (1) widely interrupted by the pronotal fovea.
23. Pretegular carina: (0) complete, (1) ventrally effaced, (2) absent.
24. (F) Pronotal striae: (0) absent, (1) few ventral striae, (2) dense ventral and dorsal striae.
25. Scutal lamella: (0) present, (1) absent.
26. Scutal punctures: (0) dense micropunctures, (1) superficial, (2) dense and deep micropunctures.
27. Epicnemial carina: (0) present, (1) absent.
28. Dorsal groove: (0) present, (1) absent.
29. Scutellum profile in lateral view: (0) bulging, (1) largely flat.
30. Metanotal orientation: (0) partly vertical, (1) largely vertical (dorsal surface reduced).
31. Metanotal lobe: (0) absent, (1) posteromedial lobe present.
32. Metapleural sculpture: (0) striae, (1) superficial punctures ventrally, (2) well-defined punctures ventrally.
33. Hind coxa carina: (0) absent, (1) present.
34. Metasomal segment I: (0) rounded in lateral view, (1) sharply angled between anterior and dorsal faces.
35. Metasomal segment I length: (0) short, (1) long.
36. Metasomal tergum II lateral macropunctures: (0) superficial to sparse, (1) dense, well defined.
37. (M) Apical margin of metasomal sternum VI: (0) almost straight, (1) shallowly emarginated, (2) deeply emarginated.
38. (M) Apical margin of metqasomal sternum VII: (0) convex, (1) shallowly emarginated, (2) deeply emarginated.
39. (M) Median process of metasomal sternum VII: (0) absent, (1) present.
40. (M) Aedeagal apex: (0) little differentiated, (1) transverse, projecting laterally, (2) rounded with subapical processes, (3) spade-shaped, (4) elongate, (5) narrow, (6) subcircular, (7) triangular.
41. (M) Aedeagal apical lobes: (0) absent, (1) apex forming expanded lobes.
42. (M) Aedeagus width: (0) narrow throughout, (1) as wide or wider apically as medially, (2) narrower apically than medially.
43. (M) Aedeagal shaft: (0) non-bulbous, (1) bulbous.
44. (M) Digital apical processes: (0) absent, (1) present.
45. (M) Inner apical margin of paramere: (0) obtusely angled with aedeagus, (1) forming right angle to aedeagus.