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Vilius melanopterusStahl, 1863

Adult Male, pinned specimen: A - Dorsal view B - Lateral view C - Ventral view.
This image was contributed by Yeo Huiqing as part of her undergraduate final year project in NUS.

H Yeo
All Rights Reserved
Identified By: WS Hwang & H Yeo

Basic Information

Arthropoda: Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cimicomorpha: Reduviidae: Ectrichodiinae
Residency Status:


Identifying Features:
Body coral-red; Antennae, forewings and legs generally dark brown.
Posterior lobe of pronotum with three longitudinal impressions (one in the middle and one each laterally).
Anterolateral angle of scutellum on each side with a prominent, posteriorly curving tooth


Ectrichoda insignis Walker, 1873
Ectrychodia limbifera Walker, 1873
Ectrichodia melanoptera Walker, 1873
Mendis insignis Lethierry & Severin
Vilius limbifer Lethierry & Severin, 1896