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Aulacogenia patalungaeMiller, 1940

Adult Female, pinned specimen: A - Dorsal view B - Lateral view C - Ventral view.
This image was contributed by Yeo Huiqing as part of her undergraduate final year project in NUS.

H Yeo
All Rights Reserved
Identified By: WS Hwang & H Yeo

Basic Information

Arthropoda: Insecta: Hemiptera: Heteroptera: Cimicomorpha: Reduviidae: Stenopodainae
Residency Status:


Identifying Features:
Antennae segment one thick, trilobate apically.
Last segment of rostrum narrower than the first two segments.
Forewings brown to dark brown, veins of corium light yellow.
Hemielytra extending just beyond 7th abdominal segment, not reaching apex of abdomen.
All tibiae laterally compressed


Petalochierus apetalus Vuillefroy, 1864
Lisarda javana Mayr, 1865
Petalochirus funestus Walker, 1873