Image acquired with permission from the the Oxford University Museum of Natural History, United Kingdom.
Specimen collected by Wallace. Specimen locality: Singapore
Label transcription: [SINGAP.] [f: A. Walker's type of Syntomis chloroleuca; b: Swinh.Cat.Het. Mus.Oxon.1892 No.204 MS. Col. C.S. Hampson Cat. Syntom. B. Mus. 1898, No.67] [Slide 5] [Type Syntomis chloroleuca Walker. gowm. Lim. Soc. Lond. 6. P. 90. (1862)] [1415:1988 HOPE ENT. COLL. OXF. UNIV. MUS. GENITALIA NO.:] [TYPE LEP.: NO. 100 Syntomis chloroleuca Walker HOPE DEPT.the the Oxford]