Body Part
Head (including lores, sides, cap, neck)
- Black with glossy shafts
- Forehead feathers can be erected to form a short crest not more than 13mm above the upper ridge of the beak in males (not more than 10mm in females). Usually kept flush to the cap profile.
Central crown, nape
- Crown and nape feathers are elongated and hackled
- Black, slightly glossed
Upperparts (mantle, back and rump)
Underparts (chin, flanks and belly)
- Slate grey, slightly paler than upperparts
- Sooty-black
- Base white, but little white on ninth primary feather
Secondaries and tertials
- Sooty grey with bronzy sheen on outer webs
Lesser- to secondary coverts
- Sooty grey with bronzy sheen
Primary coverts
- White with black base for outer-webs
- Bright yellow from tip to base on both mandibles
- Small, velvety black patch at lateral base of lower mandible
Legs and feet
- Long and orange-yellow
- Leg-feathering slate grey
- Black with slight sheen
- Extent of white tip is square-cut across both webs, narrower on inner feathers and broader towards outer edge
- Lower tail-coverts cleanly white

Fig. 4. Javan myna (Acridotheres javanicus) (Creative Commons License: CC BY-SA 2.0)
- Lemon-yellow iris (white in Java)
- Bright yellow beak to base of both mandibles
- Plumage tends toward grey rather than brown as in Jungle myna
- 21-23cm

Fig. 5. Common myna (A. tristis) (Public domain)
- Leaf shaped yellow face patch
- Vinous brown body
- 25-26cm

Fig. 6. Jungle myna (A. fuscus) (Photograph courtesy of Ronnie Ooi)
- Orange-yellow bill, with basal third dull blue
- 22-24cm

Fig. 7. Great myna (A. grandis) (Photograph by Marco Valentini, permission pending but within Fair Use)
- Orange-brown iris
- Forehead crest more prominent than Javan myna
- Plumage much more uniformly darker than Javan myna
- 25cm

Fig. 8. Pale-bellied myna (A. cinereus) (Photograph courtesy of Wong Tsu Shi)
- Bill yellow with small grey-blue patch at base of lower mandible
- Upperparts and underparts grey to buffy-grey, much lighter than Javan myna plumage
- White tail-tip broader than other species
- 22-25cm